The OIS has established several formal partnerships:
TheTAAAC was established in 2008 as a multidisciplinary educational initiative between Uof T and Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia. Its mandate is aimed at building and strengthening capacity in medical, social, political, and technological domains. Each year, Departmental faculty provide hands-on skill training, course lectures, and resident/PhD supervision. The TAAAC has a well-established governance model.
Dr. Mark Bernstein (Neurosurgery, UHN) was appointed to the Greg Wilkins Barrick Chair in International Surgery in 2011. The
Chair enables students to participate in international surgical educational initiatives.
A generous gift from Toronto-based art enthusiast Ash Prakash to the Department of Surgery has enabled many surgeons from low or middle income countries to gain experience in our academic health sciences centres. The knowledge and skills gained through their experience has profound life-saving effects on local communities when they return to their home countries. This unique gift facilitates knowledge transfer, builds local capacity and has immediate local impact.
This is a unique conference that draws together medical students, residents, surgeons and allied health professionals from across Canada and around the world. The BRT is the first and only international scientific meeting dedicated to the issues of surgical education and research for development. Since its inception in 2000, the BRT has served to build a Canadian consensus on international surgery, it has stimulated the development of international surgery at other Canadian Universities and it has built up Canada's international profile among surgeons from developing countries.
The BRT is supported by the Canadian Network forInternational Surgery and the Canadian International Development Agency.