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- Willed Body Donation Program
Willed Body Program
Telephone: Anatomy Office: 416-978-2692
Division of Anatomy
University of Toronto
Room 1183, 1 King's College Circle
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A8
Many people wish to bequeath their bodies for anatomical studies and medical research, thereby making a unique contribution to the advancement of medicine. In recognition of this wish, The Trillium Gift of Life Network Act (2002) allows for such bequeathals, provided that there is no objection by the next-of-kin or executor at the time of death. Those who bequeath their bodies to the University of Toronto and their families may be assured that all human remains are treated with dignity and respect. Students preparing themselves for medical, dental and allied health professions are fully aware of the special privilege granted to them by law, and the obligation they have to conduct themselves in a professional manner during their anatomical studies.
How to arrange the donation of your body
Most people who wish to bequeath their bodies to the University include a statement like the following in their Wills:
"Upon my death, I direct that my body, if acceptable and needed for anatomical studies and medical research, be delivered to the Division of Anatomy at the University of Toronto (or to the nearest Medical School)."
Writing such a statement in a Will, however does not ensure that your wishes will be carried out because cremation and/or burial often take place before the Will is read. In order that your wish be followed, we suggest that you complete an Anatomy Act Consent Form and inform your executor/next of kin of your wishes. Please note that we cannot guarantee anyone’s acceptance, as an assessment must be done at the time of death to determine if a body is suitable for donation.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Frequently Asked Questions
If you would like a fillable electronic copy of the Anatomy Act Consent Form please open in Adobe and fill in or print off to complete:
The Anatomy Act Consent Form .pdf
If you would like an electronic copy of the Donation Booklet please click the link below:
University of Toronto - Donation Booklet.pdf
To obtain a copy of the Donation Consent Form and details of the Willed Body Program you may also:
Request in writing:
Division of Anatomy
University of Toronto
Room 1183, 1 King's College Circle
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A8
Request by telephone: Anatomy Office: 416-978-2692
Request by email (please include your full mailing address & postal code with request):