Division of Anatomy


The Division of Anatomy consists of a core group of faculty members who are dedicated to innovative medical research and the education of a variety of students at the University of Toronto.  Our faculty is committed to meeting the educational needs of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Arts and Science, Kinesiology and Physical Education, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Biomedical Communications.  Our educational approach includes formal lectures, demonstrations, and laboratories, both real and virtual.

Within our research faculty are some of the top researchers at the University of Toronto.  Their research focuses on a variety of important medical issues such as the use of stem cells in models of disease, central nervous system degeneration and skeletal muscle form and function.  For more information on research happening in the Division of Anatomy see the Research Faculty pages.

The Division of Anatomy also has a long tradition of textbook writing. One of the most widely used Anatomical atlases in the world, Grant’s Atlas, was written by JCB Grant when he was chair of the department. The dissections that were illustrated for the atlas are housed in Grant’s Museum at the University of Toronto.  See individual faculty pages for more information on the textbooks they have had published.

Resources for Students

The Division of Anatomy offers a variety of courses in Undergraduate, Graduate and Professional programs

Many people wish to bequeath their bodies for anatomical studies and medical research, thereby making a unique contribution to the advancement of medicine.

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