Gallie Day


Watch the recording of the 2024 Gallie Day available here.

Enjoy the Global Surgery Showcase displayed during the 50th Gallie Day: highlighting our global surgery leaders and their worldwide initiatives.

See slides:SSTP Grads Quotes & Event Photos on the Occasion of the Department of Surgery's 50th Gallie Day

e-Posters & Oral Presentations details for 2024 Gallie Day listed here.

Recipients of various awards given within the Department to acknowledge the outstanding accomplishments of its members. 

Charles Tator Surgeon Scientist Mentoring Award

The Surgeon Scientist Training Program (SSTP) at the University of Toronto was created to foster excellence in Research in the Department of Surgery. The successes of the Program have been reflected through the quality of research presented by the trainees, and by the fact that this Program has served as a model for Clinician-Scientist training throughout North America. A significant component of the success of this program has been the quality of research supervision received by these trainees. 

Professor Charles H. Tator has served as a role model for Surgeon-Scientists throughout his career both locally and across the country. His commitment to the development of future Surgeon-Scientists has been demonstrated by his frequent supervision of surgeon-scientist trainees as well as by his nurturing of the SSTP during his tenure as Head of the Departmental Research Program.

The Charles H. Tator Surgeon-Scientist Mentoring Award is intended to recognize individuals supervising participants in the SSTP who emulate Professor Tator’s qualities, namely excellence in Research, commitment to SSTP mentoring and dedication to promotion of Surgeon-Scientists. The recipient will be honoured each year on Gallie Day with a plaque and a citation indicating contributions of the recipient.

To propose an individual for this award, one nomination letter outlining the candidate’s qualifications plus two supporting letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the candidate’s qualifications should be sent to 


  • 2024 Dr. Paul Karanicolas
  • 2023 Dr. Gelareh Zadeh
  • 2022  Dr. Shaf Keshavjee 
  • 2021  Dr. Natalie Coburn
  • 2020  Dr. D. Urbach
  • 2019  Dr. J. Drake
  • 2018  Dr. C. Swallow
  • 2017  Dr. M. Al-Omran
  • 2016  Dr. T. Grantcharov
  • 2015  Dr. S. Fremes
  • 2014  Dr. A. Nathens
  • 2013  Dr. M. Fehlings
  • 2012  Dr. A. Yee & Dr. C. Whyne
  • 2011  Dr. B. Alman
  • 2010  Dr. R. Reznick
  • 2009  Dr. G. Regehr
  • 2008  Dr. J. Fish
  • 2007  Dr. J. Marshall
  • 2006  Dr. J. Rutka
  • 2005  Dr. S. Gallinger
  • 2004  Dr. R. McLeod
  • 2003  Dr. O. Rotstein
  • 2002  Dr. R. Weisel

George Armstrong-Peters Prize

Awarded to a young investigator* who has shown outstanding productivity during his/her initial period as an independent investigator as evidenced by research publications in peer reviewed journals, grants held, students trained, and research awards received.

*Up to 5 years from appointment (parental and sick leaves will  be taken into consideration and not count towards the 5 years).


  • 2024         Dr. Christopher Wallis
  • 2023         Dr. David Gomez
  • 2022         Dr. N. Lipsman
  • 2021         Dr. K. Davidge
  • 2020         Dr. J. Wilson
  • 2019         Dr. S. de Montbrun
  • 2018         Dr. C. O'Brien
  • 2017         Dr. V. Yang
  • 2016         Dr. T. Zhong
  • 2015         Dr. M Cypel
  • 2014         Dr. G. Borschel
  • 2013         Dr. M. Jeschke
  • 2012         Dr. T. Grantcharov
  • 2011         Dr. M. Taylor
  • 2010         Dr. S. Verma
  • 2009         Dr. R. Nam
  • 2008         Dr. C. Morshead
  • 2007         Dr. V. Rao
  • 2006         Dr. D. Urbach
  • 2005         Dr. P. Dirks
  • 2004         Dr. T. Waddell
  • 2003         Dr. L. Burrows
  • 2002         Dr. M. Tymianski
  • 2001         Dr. B. Alman
  • 2000         Dr. E. Schemitsch
  • 1999         Dr. S. Keshavjee
  • 1998         Dr. A. Guha
  • 1997         Dr. A. Lozano
  • 1996         Dr. J. Wright
  • 1995         Dr. S. Gallinger
  • 1994         Dr. J. Rutka
  • 1993         Dr. I. Rebeyka
  • 1992         Dr. S. Fremes
  • 1991         Dr. C. Wittnich
  • 1990         Dr. M. Bernstein
  • 1989         Dr. G. Reid
  • 1988         Dr. O. Rotstein
  • 1987         Dr. S. Mackinnon
  • 1986         Dr. A. Czitrom
  • 1975         Dr. S.M. Strasberg
  • 1967         Dr. W.P. Bobechko
  • 1965         Dr. C. Tator
  • 1963         Dr. N.T. McPhedran
  • 1961         Dr. A.S. Trimble
  • 1959         Dr. R.B. Salter
  • 1955         Dr. W.M. Lougheed
  • 1953         Dr. J.F.R. Fleming
  • 1951         Dr. R.O. Heimbecker
  • 1949         Dr. W.G. Bigelow
  • 1947         Dr. E.B. Tovee
  • 1939         Dr. E.H. Botterell
  • 1936         Dr. C.H. Watson
  • 1934         Dr. F.I. Lewis
  • 1932         Dr. W.S. Keith
  • 1930         Dr. F.G. Kergin
  • 1929         Dr. L.J. Harris
  • 1928         Dr. B. Willinsky
  • 1927         Dr. H. Borsook
  • 1926         Dr. D.W. Pratt
  • 1925         Dr. C.E. Knowlton
  • 1922         Dr. F.G. Banting
  • 1921         Dr. R.I. Harris
  • 1914         Dr. W.E. Gallie
  • 1912         Dr. D.E. Robertson

To propose an individual for this award, one nomination letter outlining the candidate’s qualifications, the CV of the candidate and a support letter from the appropriate Division Chair should be sent in one .pdf file to (

Lister Prize

This lifetime award is the most prestigious research award in the Department of Surgery and celebrates an investigator who has shown outstanding and continuing productivity of international stature as evidenced by research publications, grants held, students trained and other evidence of stature of the work produced. The nominees should hold the rank of Professor at the time of the nomination.

Nominations should include a support letter and updated CV of the nominee. Please send your nomination in one pdf file to (


  • 2024         Dr. Anna Gagliardi
  • 2023         Dr. Peter Dirks
  • 2022         Dr. C. Swallow
  • 2021         Dr. S. Verma
  • 2020         Dr. N. Coburn
  • 2019         Dr. C. Morshead
  • 2018         Dr. M. Jeschke
  • 2017         Dr. G. Fernie
  • 2016         Dr. M. Taylor
  • 2015         Dr. E. Schemitsch
  • 2014         Dr. L. Klotz
  • 2013         Dr. A. Nathens
  • 2012         Dr. R-K Li
  • 2011         Dr. T. Waddell
  • 2010         Dr. B. Rubin
  • 2009         Dr. A. Guha
  • 2008         Dr. S. Keshavjee
  • 2007         Dr. M. Fehlings
  • 2006         Dr. B. Alman
  • 2005         Dr. S. Fremes
  • 2004         Dr. A. Lozano
  • 2003         Dr. S. Gallinger
  • 2002         Dr. J. Wright
  • 2001         Dr. J. Rutka
  • 2000         Dr. C. Wittnich
  • 1999         Dr. J. Marshall
  • 1998         Dr. W. Cole
  • 1997         Dr. W. Peters
  • 1996         Dr. R. Reznick
  • 1995         Dr. R. McLeod
  • 1994         Dr. L. Mickleborough
  • 1993         Dr. H. Hoffman
  • 1992         Dr. O. Rotstein
  • 1991         Dr. P. Walker
  • 1990         Dr. S. Mackinnon
  • 1989         Dr. R. Weisel
  • 1988         Dr. T. Salerno
  • 1987         Dr. R. Tasker
  • 1986         Professor J. Falk
  • 1985         Dr. J. Cooper
  • 1984         Dr. K.W. Johnston
  • 1983         None
  • 1982         Dr. C. Tator
  • 1981         Dr. S. Strasberg
  • 1980         Dr. R. Falk

D.R. Wilson Award

The D.R. Wilson Award for Teaching is made annually to the surgical resident who is rated by undergraduate students as being an outstanding teacher. The recipient of this award will be a resident whose teaching in any one of all of the following settings has been highly evaluated by students: teaching on the ward during the course of day-to-day service activities, teaching in the operating room, and teaching in the clinic setting. The resident will demonstrate both a positive attitude toward teaching and will be considered a good surgical role model for undergraduate medical students.

The quality of the candidate’s teaching will be determined by means of the following:

- Objective student assessment (by questionnaire).
- Review of clerkship debriefing reports.
- Letters of recommendation from students and/or faculty.

Nominations may be made by students, faculty or residents. All nominations will be reviewed by the Undergraduate Education Committee and a list ranking the candidates is provided to the Awards Committee of the Department for final selection.

The D.R. Wilson Award is awarded at the Gallie Day Reception. The recipients receive a cheque for $500. 

Nominations should be sent to ( in one .pdf file.


  • 2024         Dr. Robert Christopher Adams-McGavin
  • 2023         Dr. Josephine D’Abbondanza
  • 2022         Dr. A. Mazine
  • 2021         Dr. A. Mosa
  • 2020         Dr. C. Zavitz
  • 2019         Dr. D. Berger Richardson
  • 2018         Dr. R. Perlus
  • 2017         Dr. M. Murphy
  • 2016         Dr. J. Greenberg & Dr. K. Isaac
  • 2015         Dr. H. Yan
  • 2014         Dr. J. Lee
  • 2013         Dr. R. Somogyi
  • 2012         Dr. M. Heng
  • 2011         Dr. T. Al-Rasheed
  • 2010         Dr. R. Jinnah
  • 2009         Dr. M. Keays
  • 2008         Dr. M. Boulton
  • 2007         Dr. A. Eckhaus  
  • 2006         Dr. S. Rai 
  • 2005         Dr. P. Stotland
  • 2004         Dr. A. Kader 
  • 2003         Dr. B. Shayegan  
  • 2002         Dr. Y. Botros
  • 2001         Dr. P. Ferguson  
  • 2000         Dr. C. Haywood  
  • 1999         Dr. J. Lipa 
  • 1998         Dr. R. Marx  
  • 1997         Dr. S. Lewis  
  • 1996         Dr. P. Chu 
  • 1995         Dr. P. Petrasek  
  • 1994         Dr. Z. Gamliel 
  • 1993         Dr. D. Anastakis  
  • 1992         Dr. C. Hutchison  
  • 1991         Dr. G. Sandor 
  • 1990         Dr. K. Ashe 
  • 1989         Dr. E. Vallieres  
  • 1988         Dr. J. Wright

Bruce Tovee Award

These awards are intended to honour a highly valued and long-time member of the Department of Surgery, Dr. E. Bruce Tovee.

The awards  provide   recognition of  members of the Department of Surgery who have  made the greatest contribution to the undergraduate and postgraduate educational activities of the Department, as exemplified by Dr. E. Bruce Tovee during his outstanding career. The Department will make no award if a suitable recipient is not identified for that year.

 Nominations including a support letter and the CV of the nominee should be sent to ( in one .pdf file.

AWARD WINNERS (Postgraduate)           

  • 2024        Dr. Mojgan Hodaie
  • 2023        Dr. Diane Nam
  • 2022        Dr. J. Dengler
  • 2021        Dr. C. Swallow
  • 2020        Dr. T. Forbes
  • 2019        Dr. A. Kulkarni
  • 2018        Dr. Mitch Brown
  • 2017        Dr. R. Stewart
  • 2016         Dr. G. Azzie
  • 2015         Dr. A. Pierre
  • 2014         Dr. O. Safir
  • 2013         Dr. J. Hagen
  • 2012         Dr. P. Ferguson
  • 2011         Dr. W. Kraemer
  • 2010         Dr. R. Mustard
  • 2009         Dr. C. Law                     
  • 2008         Dr. R. Kodama                 
  • 2007         Dr. R. Levine                   
  • 2006         Dr. J. Wunder                  
  • 2005         Dr. D. Latter                   
  • 2004         Dr. T. Ross                     
  • 2003         Dr. J. Fish                      
  • 2002         Dr. K.W. Johnston           
  • 2001         Dr. M. Bernstein              
  • 2000         Dr. B. Goldman                
  • 1999         Dr. J. Ali                        
  • 1998         Dr. R. Bell                      
  • 1997         Dr. A. Gross                   
  • 1996         Dr. T. Axelrod                 
  • 1995         Dr. W. Tucker                 
  • 1994         Dr. J. Waddell                 
  • 1993         Dr. R. Humphreys            
  • 1992         Dr. A. Lossing             
  • 1991         Dr. R. Richards                
  • 1990         Dr. J. Kellam                   
  • 1989         Dr. B. Taylor                   
  • 1988         Dr. L. Lickley 
  • 1987         Dr. R.M. Stone 
  • 1986         Dr. G.A. Hunter 
  • 1985         Dr. A. Freiberg 
  • 1984         Dr. D.J. Currie 
  • 1983         Dr. J.L. Provan 
  • 1982         Dr. C.E. Bayliss 
  • 1981         Dr. A.W. Harrison 
  • 1980         Dr. A.R. Hudson

AWARD WINNERS (Undergraduate)

  • 2024        Dr. Amit Atrey
  • 2023        Dr. Yonah Krakowsky
  • 2022        Dr. A. Kayssi
  • 2021        Dr. A. Nadler
  • 2020        Dr. A. Behzadi
  • 2019        Dr. J. Simpson
  • 2018        Dr. F. Moussa
  • 2017        Dr. J. Hall
  • 2016        Dr. D. Di Pasquale
  • 2015        Dr. H. Tien
  • 2014        Dr. D. Fenech
  • 2013        Dr. R.J. Cusimano
  • 2012        Dr. G. Azzie
  • 2011        Dr. F. Wright
  • 2010        Dr. R. Stewart
  • 2009        Dr. Y. Shargall
  • 2008        Dr. P. Ferguson
  • 2007        Dr. A. Khoury
  • 2006        Dr. R. Richards
  • 2005        Dr. D. Backstein
  • 2004        Dr. P. Chu
  • 2003        Dr. R. Mustard
  • 2002        Dr. S. Herschorn
  • 2001        Dr. T. Ross
  • 2000        Dr. G. Darling
  • 1999        Dr. M. Cusimano
  • 1998        Dr. R. Kodama
  • 1997        Dr. C. Hutchison
  • 1996        Dr. P. Greig
  • 1995        Dr. M. Goldberg
  • 1994        Dr. J. Waddell
  • 1993        Dr. P. Muller
  • 1992        Dr. L. Mahoney
  • 1991        Dr. C. Jamieson
  • 1990        Dr. W. Tucker
  • 1989        Dr. R. Reznick

Langer Surgeon Scientist Award

Awarded to an outstanding graduate of the Surgeon Scientist Training Program in the Department of Surgery, who shows the greatest promise for a career in academic surgery.


Nominees must be at the academic rank of Assistant Professor, have passed their Continuing Appointment Review and have had an outstanding academic trajectory.

Nominations including a support letter and the CV of the nominee should be sent to ( in one .pdf file.


  • 2024         Dr. Amir Khoshbin
  • 2023         Dr. Siba Haykal
  • 2022         Dr. G. Ibrahim
  • 2021         Dr. D. Pincus
  • 2020         Dr. A. Nauth
  • 2019         Dr. K. Davidge
  • 2018         Dr. J. Chahal
  • 2017         Dr. F. Quereshy
  • 2016         Dr. A. Govindarajan
  • 2015         Dr. G. Kulkarni
  • 2014         Dr. G. Zadeh
  • 2013         Dr. C-A. Moulton
  • 2012         Dr. M. Hodaie
  • 2011         Dr. T. Finelli
  • 2010         Dr. R. Gladdy
  • 2009         Dr. S. Hopyan
  • 2008         Dr. M. Taylor 
  • 2007         Dr. N. Baxter 
  • 2006         Dr. R. Nam 
  • 2005         Dr. I. McGilvray 
  • 2004         Dr. D. Urbach 
  • 2003         Dr. P. Dirks 
  • 2002         Dr. R. Gryfe 
  • 2001         Dr. K. Thapar 
  • 2000         Dr. D. Hackam 
  • 1999         Dr. V. Rao 
  • 1998         Dr. Z. Kiss 
  • 1997         Dr. T. Waddell 
  • 1996         Dr. R. Midha 
  • 1995         Dr. M. Tymianski 
  • 1994         Dr. B. Rubin 
  • 1993         Dr. C. Swallow 

Surgical Skills Centre DH Gales Outstanding Educator Award

The University of Toronto Surgical Skills Centre Distinguished Education Award for Outstanding Contributions demonstrates the Centre’s commitment to surgical skills education. This award recognizes those individuals who have made exemplary, innovative contributions to teaching and learning in the Surgical Skills Centre over the past year.

Nominations including a support letter should be sent to 


  • 2024         Dr. Ivan Radovanovic
  • 2023         Dr. Elisa Greco             
  • 2022         Dr. O. Safir
  • 2021         Dr. T. Mainprize (posthumously)
  • 2020         Dr. J. Wolfstadt
  • 2019         Dr. M. Wheatcroft
  • 2018         Dr. A. Kulkarni
  • 2017         Dr. G. Cohen
  • 2016         Dr. S. de Montbrun
  • 2015         Dr. J. Hall
  • 2014         Dr. G. Oreopoulos
  • 2013         Dr. M. Burnstein
  • 2012         Dr. H. MacRae
  • 2011         No recipient
  • 2010         Dr. R. Holtby
  • 2009         Dr. P. Binhammer
  • 2008         Dr. J. Murnaghan 
  • 2007         Dr. A. Pierre 
  • 2006         Dr. T. Lindsay 
  • 2005         Dr. S. Lewis 
  • 2004         Dr. P. Neligan 
  • 2003         Dr. P. Chu 
  • 2002         Dr. L. Rotstein 
  • 2001         Dr. S. Radomski 
  • 2000         Dr. M. Brown 

Zane Cohen Clinical Fellowship Achievement Award

This award of $1,000  is awarded annually.

The award is adjudicated based on an assessment of the most significant achievement made by a clinical fellow. Achievement will be defined as any significant contribution made in any of the domains of medicine: clinical research, basic science research, publications, presentations, education/teaching,  administrative systems, delivery of  care, community service, etc. The achievement or work may have taken place at the University of Toronto, in Canada, or in any international jurisdiction. The only limiting definition is that the majority of the work must take place while the nominee is a clinical fellow in the Department of Surgery.

The process in which the selection will be made is as follows. The applicant, or the clinical fellow’s supervisor, may initiate the process. The clinical fellow is asked to write a one-page summary of his/her/their achievements, and this is to be supplemented by a one-page letter of support from the clinical fellow’s supervisor. This application will be submitted to the Chair of the University Division of the clinical fellow. Each of the 8 clinical divisions in our Department will then select one nominee application from their Division to be submitted to the Awards Committee. The Committee will seek input from Dr. Zane Cohen during its deliberations. The award will be announced at the annual Gallie Day Dinner.

This award is eligible to any clinical fellow in the divisions of Orthopedics, General Surgery, Urology, Vascular Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Cardiac Surgery, Plastic Surgery, and Neurosurgery. As well, any postgraduate trainees in the general surgery subspecialty training programs of Surgical Oncology, Colo-Rectal Surgery, and Pediatric Surgery are eligible.


  • 2024            Dr. Sachiko Kadowaki
  • 2023            Dr. Anna Dare
  • 2022            Dr. A. Azin
  • 2021            Dr. F. Shariff
  • 2020            Dr. T. Chesney
  • 2019            Dr. A. Covelli
  • 2018            Dr. J.P. Almeida
  • 2017            Dr. C. Boulanger-Gobeil
  • 2016            Dr. C. Haller
  • 2015            Dr. U. Hameed
  • 2014            Dr. N. Dehghan
  • 2013            Dr. D. Wasserstein
  • 2012            Dr. B. Rogers & Dr. B. Krischek
  • 2011            Dr. E. Hickey
  • 2010            Dr. O. Honjo
  • 2009            Dr. M. Cypel

Shafie S. Fazel Outstanding Resident Surgeon and Investigator Award

In memory of Dr. Shafie S. Fazel, an outstanding resident within the Division of Cardiac Surgery, University of Toronto. The award will be presented annually to an individual who has demonstrated outstanding accomplishments during their residency both as a surgeon and as an investigator. It will be provided to a senior resident within the Department of Surgery, University of Toronto, in his or her last year of training.

The award is to be presented to the individual who best exemplifies the many traits of Dr. Shafie Fazel, namely: 1) outstanding clinical ability; 2) superb academic achievement; and 3) attributes which are in keeping with the ideal caregiver, including: collaboration, communication, mentorship, patient advocacy, leadership, reliability, respect, community service, and honesty.

 Nominations including a support letter and the CV of the nominee should be sent to ( in one .pdf file.  


  • 2024     Dr. Syena Moltaji
  • 2023     Dr. Fahima Dossa and Dr. Farrshad Nassiri
  • 2022     Dr. K. Lawson
  • 2021     Dr. M. Roy
  • 2020     Dr. A. Dare
  • 2019     Dr. C. Wallis
  • 2018     Dr. C. Witiw
  • 2017     Dr. A. Mansouri
  • 2016     Dr. N. Lipsman
  • 2015     Dr. J. Wilson
  • 2014     Dr. A. Fallah
  • 2013     Dr. W. Hanna
  • 2012     Dr. K. Davidge

Bryce Taylor Mentorship Award

Mentorship is recognized as being a key contributor to a fulfilling academic career. To highlight its importance in the Department of Surgery, the Bryce Taylor Mentorship Award was established in 2017 to recognize those faculty members who emulate the traits that Dr. Taylor exhibited throughout his long and illustrious career at the University of Toronto.

This award is based on an assessment of the significant impact made by a faculty mentor. Impact is defined as any significant contribution made in any of the domains of: research, education, delivery of medical care, CPA, overall career advice, providing physician wellness etc. The majority of the mentor’s efforts should have taken place since the appointment of the mentee as a faculty member at the University of Toronto.

This award is eligible to any faculty member in the divisions of Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Urology, Vascular Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Cardiac Surgery, Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery and Neurosurgery who has formally mentored another faculty member.

The process in which the selection will be made is as follows: Mentees  forward their letter of nomination directly to the University Division Chair of their mentor.  University Division Chairs or their Division Mentorship Committee leads will initiate an internal divisional nomination process by reviewing names of recent faculty and their mentors within their divisions. This will involve soliciting letters of support (limit to 3 nominators) for each candidate. Letters should be a one-page summary of the mentor’s impact on their mentee(s). These letters are to be supplemented by a one-page letter of support from the University Division Chair/Division Mentorship committee lead. Each division or subspecialty will select one nominee to represent their division/subspecialty for consideration of this award. The University Division Chair will then forward the Division’s selected nominee’s application package (nominee’s C.V., letters of support received, along with the Division’s letter of support) to the Department of Surgery’s Awards Committee at (


  • 2024       Dr. Hans Kreder
  • 2023       Dr. Joan Lipa
  • 2022       Dr. T. Axelrod
  • 2021       Dr. G. Darling
  • 2020       Dr. J. Waddell
  • 2019       Dr. A. Nathens
  • 2018       Dr. Nancy Baxter
  • 2017       Dr. Paul Greig

Lavina Lickley Lifetime Achievement Award

This award recognizes faculty members who have demonstrated significant contributions to the Department of Surgery throughout their careers at the University of Toronto. These individuals will have provided a lifetime of exceptional professionalism through leadership, research, teaching, exemplary clinical care, administration or public service.  The award will be made only in years when an exceptional candidate has been identified and unanimously approved by the Awards Committee of the Department of Surgery. 

Eligibility and Criteria
Candidates must be faculty members in the Department of Surgery for a minimum of 10 years.
Candidates may be nominated by a faculty member in good standing in the Department of Surgery.  

Submission Process and Requirements:

- Nomination Form

- A letter of nomination highlighting the nominee's longstanding contributions to the Department of Surgery, and outstanding achievements should be addressed to the Chair of the Department of Surgery. Maximum 250 words.

- A current copy of the nominee's curriculum vitae

- Additional letters of support will be accepted, but are not required.

Please note that all nominations will be kept on file for three years for future consideration.

Applications should be sent in one .pdf file to:
Surgery Awards Committee at



  • 2024     Dr. Ori Rotstein
  • 2023     Dr. Hugh Scully
  • 2022     Dr. G. Darling
  • 2021     Dr. D. McCready
  • 2020     Dr. J. Semple
  • 2019     Dr. R. McLeod

Surgical Foundations Teaching Award

The Surgical Foundations Teaching Award was established in June 2023 and is awarded annually to the best overall lecturer in the Surgical Foundations lecture series.

Dr Mark Wheatcroft, Program Director of Surgical Foundations, initiated this award to recognize the efforts of Surgical Foundations lecturers. Award recipients, selected by residents, must be a lecturer who taught during the Surgical Foundations course.

No formal nomination process is required. At the end of the academic year, residents will be alerted by email to submit their course evaluations and rank their course lecturers via Quercus, a web-based platform used by trainees to access course content/conduct evaluations. The lecturer with the highest number of votes will receive the award. Should two individuals receive the same number of votes, both will receive a plaque at the annual Gordon Murray banquet. In the event that more than two people received the same number of votes, the Surgical Foundations RPC committee will decide who the recipient is by reviewing their lecture(s) evaluations and determining which lecturer received the best combined evaluations overall.


  • 2024 Mark Camp

Oral Presentations & e-Posters Awards (Gallie Bateman, McMurrich, Translational Research)


Oral Presentations: Gallie-Bateman

  1. Malak Elbatarny (SSTP), Cardiac Surgery - Supervisors: Maral Ouzounian and Anthony O Gramolini
  2. Julian Daza (SSTP), General Surgery - Supervisor: Duminda Wijeysundera
  3. Johnathan R. Lex (SSTP), Orthopaedic Surgery - Supervisors: Cari Whyne and Bheeshma Ravi

Oral Presentations: McMurrich

  1. Laura Kondrataviciute, Neurosurgery - Supervisors: Taufik Valiante and Suneil Kalia; Co-supervisor Luka Milosevic
  2. Kumi Mesaki, Thoracic Surgery - Supervisor: Shaf Keshavjee
  3. Hoyee Wan, Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery - Supervisor: Steffen Bolz

Oral Presentations: Translational Research

  • Alex Landry (SSTP), Neurosurgery - Supervisor: Gelareh Zadeh 

e-Posters: Gallie-Bateman

  1. Husain Shakil (SSTP), Neurosurgery - Supervisor: Jefferson R. Wilson 
  2. Ann Mansur (SSTP), Neurosurgery - Supervisor: Ivan Radovanovic
  3. Elliott Yee (SSTP), General Surgery - Supervisor: Barbara Haas

e-Posters: McMurrich

  1. Paula J. Yu, Anatomy - Supervisors: Anne Agur and John Tran
  2. Xinyang Zhang, Anatomy - Supervisor: Hong-Shuo Sun
  3. Siyi Zhu, Thoracic Surgery - Supervisor: Jonathan Yeung

e-Posters: Translational Research

  • Fumi Yokote, Thoracic Surgery - Supervisor: Kazuhiro Yasufuku


 Gallie Bateman Awards – Oral Presentations – SSTP

  • 1st Prize:

Sneha Raju (SSTP), Kamalben Prajapati, Mark Blaser, Steven R. Botts,Tse Wing Winnie Ho, Crizza Ching, Natalie J Galant, Lindsey Fiddes, Ruilin Wu, Cassandra L. Clift, Tan Pham, Shawn Veitch, Sasha A Singh, Warren L Lee, Elena Aikawa, Jason E Fish, *Kathryn L Howe

Endothelial cells communicate with surrounding vascular cells through polarized release of extracellular vesicles containing distinct cargo: implications for atherosclerotic plaque development

Supervisors: Jason E Fish, Kathryn L Howe

  • 2nd Prize:

Nebras M. Warsi (SSTP), Simeon M. Wong, Olivia N. Arski, Hrishikesh Suresh, Jürgen Germann, Alexandre Boutet, Lauren Erdman, Flavia Venetucci Gouveia, Elizabeth Kerr, Mary Lou Smith, Ayako Ochi, Hiroshi Otsubo, Rohit Sharma, Puneet Jain, Shelly Weiss, Elizabeth J. Donner, Andres M. Lozano, O. Carter Snead, Margot J. Taylor, George M. Ibrahim

Closed-loop decoding and control of attention in children

Supervisor: George M. Ibrahim

  • 3rd Prize:

Amine Mazine (SSTP), Alexander A. Mikryukov, Michael A. Laflamme, Terrence M. Yau, Gordon Keller

Generation of the cardiac valve lineage from human pluripotent stem cells

Supervisor: Gordon Keller

McMurrich Awards – Oral Presentations

  • 1st Prize:

Hillary Lia, Melanie Hammond Mobilio, Frank Rudizcz, Carol-Anne Moulton

The role of operating room professions in setting the tone for teamwork: a constructivist grounded theory study

Supervisor: Carol-Anne Moulton, Frank Rudzicz

  • 2nd Prize:

Hyo Jin Son, Denise W. Gee, David Gomez, James Jung

The obesity paradox revisited: is obesity still a protective factor for patients with severe comorbidities or in high-risk operations?

Supervisors: David Gomez, James Jung

  • 3rd Prize:

Jen Dorsey, Joanna Przybyl, Peter Ferguson, Kim Tsoi, Jay Wunder, Peter Chung, Edward Taylor, Patrick Veit-Haibach, Elizabeth Demicco, Rebecca Gladdy, David Shultz

Characterizing hypoxia associated genetic features in extremity soft tissue sarcoma

Supervisors: Rebecca Gladdy

Translational Research Oral Presentation Awardee

Julia Nomikos, Claire Wunker, Adam C. Waspe, Yael Babichev, Karolina Piorkowska, Suzanne Wong, Warren Foltz, J. Ted Gerstle, Elizabeth G. Demicco, Abha A. Gupta, Cynthia J. Guidos, James M. Drake, Rebecca Gladdy

The impact of magnetic resonance guided high intensity focused ultrasound generated hyperthermia and chemotherapy on the immune profile of a murine model of rhabdomyosarcoma (TR)

Supervisor: Rebecca Gladdy


Gallie-Bateman e-Posters


McMurrich e-Posters


Translation Research e-Posters



 Gallie Bateman Awards – Oral Presentations – SSTP

1st Prize – Shelly Luu (SSTP), Ning Fu, Karineh Kazazian, Karina Pacholczyk, Deanna Ng, Jossie Swett-Cosentino, Paul Savage, Yukiko Shibahara, Sangeetha Kalimuthu, Osvaldo Espin-Garcia, James Conner, Jonathan Yeung, Gail Darling, Carol Swallow (Supervisor): Loss of Tumour Suppressor FAM46c Induces K+ Ion Channelopathy and Progression of GastricAdenocarcinoma 

2nd Prize – Nardin Samuel (SSTP), Ke Zeng, Irene Harmsen, Mandy Yi Rong Ding, Ghazaleh Dharmani, Can Sarica, Brendan Santyr, Artur Vetkas, Aditya Pancholi, Anton Fomenko, Vanessa Milano, Kazuaki Yamamoto, Utpal Shah, Nathan Rowland, Richard Wennberg, Robert Chen, Andres Lozano (Supervisor): Investigation of Focused Ultrasound-Induced Neuroplasticity of the Human Motor Cortex Using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Magnetoencephalography

3rd Prize – Julian F. Daza (SSTP), Justyna Bartoszko, Wilton Van Klei, Karim Ladha, Stuart McCluskey, Duminda N. Wijeysundera (Supervisor): Improved Re-Estimation of Perioperative Cardiac Risk using the Surgical Apgar Score: A Retrospective Cohort Study 

McMurrich Awards – Oral Presentations

1st Prize – SEVERA BUNDA, Gelareh Zadeh (Supervisor): “Yin Yang 1 (YY1) is a Novel Capicua (CIC) Co-Repressor”

2nd Prize – RAFAELA V.P. RIBEIRO, Anas Samman, Aizhou Wang, Tereza Martinu, Shaf Keshavjee, Lianne G. Singer, Deepali Kumar, Atul Humar, Marcelo Cypel (Supervisor): “Donor Inflammatory Signature during Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion as a Potential Approach to Predict Cytomegalovirus Development Following Lung Transplantation” 

3rd Prize – BEN LI, Philippe Rizkallah, Naomi Eisenberg, Thomas L. Forbes, Graham Roche-Nagle: “Thresholds for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair in Canada and United States”

Translational Research – Oral Presentation

1st Prize – Hrishikesh Raghuram, Benjamin Keunen, Nathan Soucier, Thomas Looi, Samuel Pichardo, Adam C. Waspe, James M. Drake (Supervisor): An MRI Compatible MR-Guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Neonatal Neurosurgery Platform for Intraventricular Hemorrhage (TR) 

E-Poster Presentations – SSTP – Gallie Bateman Awards

1st Prize – Justin Z. Wang (SSTP), Gelareh Zadeh: Predicting Response to Radiotherapy in Meningiomas using DNA Methylation Signatures and an Applied Machine Learning Approach

2nd Prize – Jean Jacob-Brassard (SSTP), Mohammed Al-Omran, Thérèse Stukel, Muhammad Mamdani, Douglas Lee, Charles de Mestral: Long-Term Outcomes of Endovascular and Open Surgical Revascularization for Peripheral Artery Disease: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study

3rd Prize – Rashmi Nedadur (SSTP), Zeinab Navidi, Frank Yu, Mitesh Badiwala, Bo Wang: Machine Learning to Identify Predictors Heart Transplant Survival

E-Poster Presentations – McMurrich Awards

1st Prize – Katarzyna Pieczonka, Hiroaki Nakashima, Nahirito Nagoshi, Kazuya Yokota, James Hong, Anna Badner, Jonathon Chio, Shinsuke Shibata, Mohamad Khazaei, Michael Fehlings: Transplantation of Human Oligodendrogenic Neural Progenitor Cells for the Treatment of Cervical Spinal Cord Injury

2nd Prize – Andrea Ovcjak, Steve P. Miller, Zhong-Ping Feng, Hong-Shuo Sun: Dantrolene Reduces Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury in Mouse Model

3rd Prize – Mark S. Shafarenko, Joseph Catapano, Stefan O.P. Hofer, Blake D. Murphy: Development and Validation of a Novel Augmented Reality K-Wire Fixation Simulator

E-Poster Presentations – Translational Research - Tie

1st Prize – Miguel Alfonso Principe, Nalan Gokgoz, Patrick Prochazka, Peter Ferguson, Simin Dewji, Jay Wunder, Irene Andrulis, Brendan Dickson, Kim Tsoi: Detection of Satellite Tumour Cells in Peritumoral Edema in Infiltrative Soft Tissue Sarcomas Using Targeted Gene Sequencing (TR)

1st Prize – Mariya Popkov, Hamzah Khan, Shubha Jain, Niousha Djahanpour, Muzammil H. Syed, Margaret L. Rand, John Eikleboom, David Mazer, Mohammed Al-Omran, Rawand Abdin, Mohammad Qadura: Low Dose Aspirin and Rivaroxaban Combination Therapy to Overcome Aspirin Non-Sensitivity in Patients with Vascular Disease (TR)


Gallie Bateman Awards - Oral Presentation Awardees - SSTP

  • 1st prize - Benjamin Davidson (Supervisors:Clement Hamani & Nir Lipsman)
  • 2nd prize - Jeffrey A. Zuccato (Supervisor:Gelareh Zadeh)
  • 3rd prize - Jesse Zuckerman (Supervisors: Natalie Coburn & Julie Hallet)

Gallie-Bateman Awards - E-Poster Presentations - SSTP

  • 1st prize - Jay Toor (Supervisors: Raja Rampersaud, William Mitchell, Peter Coyte) and Keegan Guidolin (Supervisors: Gang Zheng, Fayez Quereshy)
  • 2nd prize - Jerry C. Ku (Supervisor: Victor Yang) and Alexander Gregor (Supervisor: Kazuhiro Yasufuku)
  • 3rd prize - Wanda Marini (Supervisors: Michael Reedijk & Carol Swallow)

McMurrich Awards - Oral Presentations

  • 1st prize - Deanna Ng (Supervisor: Carol Swallow)  
  • 2nd prize - Rafaela V.P. Ribeiro (Supervisor: Marcelo Cypel)
  • 3rd prize - Jethro C.C. Kwong (Supervisor: Andrew Feifer)

McMurrich Awards - E-Poster Presentations

  • 1st prize - Anders W. Erickson (Supervisor: Sunit Das)
  • 2nd prize - Aazad Abbas (Supervisor: Joel Finkelstein)
  • 3rd prize - Negin Shahbazian (Supervisor: Thomas Forbes)

Translational Research - Oral Presentations

  • 1st Prize - Aadil Ali (Supervisor: Marcelo Cypel) and Jonathon Chon Teng Chio (Supervisor: Michael Fehlings)

Translational Rsearch - E-Poster Presentations

  • Dalia Barayan (Supervisor: Marc Jeschke)


Oral Presentation Awardees (SSTP)

  • 1st prize - Christopher S. Ahuja (Supervisor: Michael G. Fehlings)
  • 2nd prize - Keith A. Lawson (Supervisor: Jason Moffat)
  • 3rd prize - Farshad Nassiri (Supervisor: Gelareh Zadeh)

Oral Presentation Awardees (Non-SSTP)

  • 1st prize - Jen Dorsey (Supervisor: Rebecca A. Gladdy)
  • 2nd prize - Spyridon K. Karadimas (Supervisor: Michael G. Fehlings)
  • 3rd prize - Vinay Garg (Supervisor: Subodh Verma)

Oral Translational Research

  • 1st Prize - Zachary Fishman (Supervisor: Cari M. Whyne) and Aizhou Wang (Supervisor: Marcelo Cypel)

E-Poster Presentation Awardees


  • 1st prize - Keegan Guidolin
  • 2nd prize - Mathew R. Voisin
  • 3rd prize - Peter Urbanellis


  • 1st prize - Olivia Hough
  • 2nd prize - Dalia Barayan
  • 3rd prize - 3-way TIE

Aadil Ali

  • Jonathon Chon Teng Chio
  • Claire Wunker

Translational Research - TIE

  • Shirin Karimi
  • Vinicius Michaelsen


Oral Presentation Awardees

  • 1st prize –  Keith Lawson (SSTP) (Supervisor: Jason Moffat)
  • 2nd prize – Fahima Dossa (SSTP) (Supervisor: Nancy Baxter)
  • 3rd prize – Matthew Guttman (SSTP) (Supervisor: Avery Nathens)

E-Poster Presentation Awardees

  • 1st prize –  Jetan Badhiwala (SSTP) (Supervisor: Michael G. Fehlings)
  • 2nd prize – Shelly Luu (SSTP) (Supervisor: Carol Swallow)
  • 3rd prize – David Mealiea (SSTP) (Supervisor: J. Andrea McCart)


Oral Presentation Awardees

  • 1st prize – Ashton A Connor (SSTP) (Supervisor: Steven Gallinger)
  • 2nd prize – Alaina Garbens (SSTP) (Supervisor: Teodor Grantcharov)
  • 3rd prize – Derrick Y. Tam (SSTP) (Supervisor: Stephen E. Fremes)

E-Poster Presentation Awardees

  • 1st prize two-way tie: Keith Lawson (SSTP) (Supervisors: Jason Moffat, Laurie Ailles) and Joseph Catapano (SSTP) (Supervisor: Gregoary H. Borschel)
  • 2nd prize – Christopher J.D. Wallis (SSTP) (Supervisor: Raj Satkunasivam)
  • 3rd prize two-way: Mitchell G. Goldenberg (SSTP) (Supervisor: Teodor P. Grantcharov) and Michael S. Taccone (SSTP) (Supervisor: James T. Rutka)


Oral Presentation Awardees

  • 1st prize – James P. Byrne (SSTP) (Supervisor: Avery B. Nathens) 
  • 2nd prize – Joseph Catapano (SSTP) (Supervisor: Gregory H. Borschel)
  • 3rd prize – Dale Podolsky (SSTP) (Supervisors: James Drake, Christopher Forrest)

E-Poster Presentation Awardees

  • 1st prize – Sean A. Crawford (SSTP) (Supervisor: Thomas L. Forbes) 
  • 2nd prize – Christopher J.D. Wallis (SSTP) (Supervisor: Robert K. Nam) 
  • 3rd prize – Mohamad A. Hussain (SSTP) (Supervisor: Mohammed Al-Omran)


Oral Presentation Awardees

  • 1st prize two-way tie Marisa Louridas (SSTP) (Supervisor: Teodor P. Grantcharov) and Kim Tsoi (SSTP) (Supervisors: Benjamin A. Alman, Warren Chan)
  • 2nd prize – Mohamad A Hussain (SSTP) (Supervisor: Mohammed Al-Omran)
  • 3rd prize – James P. Byrne (SSTP) (Supervisor: Avery B. Nathens) 

E-Poster Presentation Awardees

  • 1st prize – Peter Szasz (SSTP) (Supervisor: Teodor P. Grantcharov)
  • 2nd prize – James J. Jung (SSTP) (Supervisor: Teodor P. Grantcharov)
  • 3rd prize – Stephanie Mason (SSTP) (Supervisors: Avery B. Nathens, Marc Jeschke)


Oral Presentation Awardees

  • 1st prize – Karineh Kazazian (SSTP) (Supervisor: Carol J. Swallow)
  • 2nd prize – Andrea M. Covelli (SSTP) (Supervisors: Nancy N. Baxter, Frances C. Wright)
  • 3rd prize – James P. Byrne (SSTP) (Supervisor: Avery B. Nathens)

E-Poster Presentation Awardees

  • 1st E-Poster prize – Dale Podolsky (SSTP) (Supervisors: James Drake, Christopher Forrest)
  • 2nd prize two-way tie
  • Natashia M. Seemann (SSTP) (Supervisor: Carol-Anne Moulton)
  • Ashton A. Connor (SSTP) (Supervisor: Steven Gallinger)


  • 1st prize – David W. Cadotte (SSTP) (Supervisor: Michael G. Fehlings) – Oral presentation
  • 2nd prize – Jennica Platt (SSTP) (Supervisor: Toni Zhong)Oral presentation
  • 3rd prize – Marisa Louridas (SSTP) (Supervisor: Teodor P. Grantcharov)Oral presentation
  • 4th prize – Chethan Sathya (SSTP) (Supervisor: Avery B. Nathens)Poster presentation


  • 1st prize – Two-way tie – Boris Zevin (SSTP) (Supervisor: Teodor P. Grantcharov) and Siba Haykal (SSTP) (Supervisors:  Thomas K. Waddell, Stefan O. Hofer)
  • 2nd prize – Two-way tie –  Marvin Hsiao (SSTP) (Supervisors: Avery B. Nathens, Prabhat Jha) and Karineh Kazazian (SSTP) (Supervisor: Carol Swallow)     
  • Third Prize – 3-way tie – Nir Lipsman (SSTP) (Supervisor: Andres M. Lozano) and Bheeshma Ravi (SSTP) (Supervisor: Gillian Hawker and Jefferson R. Wilson (SSTP) (Supervisor: Michael G. Fehlings)


  • 1st prize – Jonathan Yeung (SSP) (Supervisor: Shaf Keshavjee) – Oral presentation
  • 2nd prize – Two-way tie – Lakhbir Sandhu (SSP) – [Supervisor: David Urbach]) – Poster presentation and Francis Zih (Supervisor: Carol Swallow) – Oral presentation
  • 3rd prize – Nathan Perlis (SSP) (Supervisor: Antonio Finelli) – Oral presentation


  • 1st prize - Adrienne Weeks (SSP) (Supervisor: James T. Rutka) – Oral presentation
  • 2nd prize - Eisar Al-Sukhni (SSP) (Supervisors: Robin McLeod, Erin Kennedy) – Poster presentation
  • 3rd prize – 3-way tie – Barbara Haas (SSP) (Supervisor: Avery B. Nathens) – Oral presentation and Gregory W.J. Hawryluk (SSP) (Supervisor: Michael G. Fehlings) – Oral presentation and Siba Haykal (SSP) (Supervisors: Stefan O.P. Hofer, Thomas K. Waddell) – Poster presentation


  • 1st prize – Douglas J. (DJ) Cook (SSP) (Supervisor: Michael Tymianski)
  • 2nd prize – Mitesh V. Badiwala (SSP) (Supervisor: Vivek Rao)
  • 3rd prize – Two-way tie – Vanessa N. Palter (SSTP) (Supervisor: Teodor P. Grantcharov) and Ali Zahrai (Supervisor: Valerie Palda)


  • 1st prize – Paul Kongkham (SSP) (Supervisor: James T. Rutka)
  • 2nd prize – Adrian W. Laxton (SSP) (Supervisor: Andres M. Lozano)
  • 3rd prize – Kristen Davidge (SSP) (Supervisors: Jay S. Wunder, Aileen Davis)  
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