Outline of Program

1. PGY1 and PGY2 Program for Medical School Graduates

Candidates will enter the University of Toronto Training Program in Neurosurgery directly from medical school and will begin the PGY1 and PGY2 Foundations of Surgery program. This program is organized by the Division of Neurosurgery in collaboration with other specialty divisions of the Department of Surgery and the Division of General Surgery at the University of Toronto. The Division of Neurosurgery is a participant in the match conducted by the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CARMS).


2. Number of Trainees

Through the Ministry of Health (MOH), salaries are provided for approximately 4 neurosurgical trainees per year. This salary accompanies the trainees on each rotation, including clinical Neurosurgery, Neurology, Neuropathology, and General Surgery, provided these positions are held within the province of Ontario. Trainees from other countries (in addition to those funded by MOH) are considered for full training if they bring funding, supplied by their home university or government, and are committed to returning to their home countries. The sponsor must also pay a tuition fee to the University of Toronto.


3. Course Description

The minimum requirements for each trainee will generally include the following: 

PGY1 Year 
3 months Neurosurgery 
3 months General Surgery 
2 months Emergency or 1 month Emergency and 1 month Medicine 
2 months Surgical Elective 
2 months Surgical Elective 

PGY2 Year 
9 months Neurosurgery 
3 months Critical Care 

PGY3-6+ Years 
30 months Neurosurgery (including 6 months of Paediatric Neurosurgery) 
3 months Neuropathology 
3 months Neurology 
12+ months Elective and/or Research Training (most trainees have taken M.Sc. or Ph.D. programs)


4. Sequencing of Rotations

(a) During the PGY1 and PGY2 years, each trainee will complete approximately 12 months of clinical Neurosurgery. 
(b) The PGY1 and PGY2 program should be completed by the end of the first two years of each trainee's program. 
(c) The middle of the training program (PGY4) is the optimal time for basic, scientific training in research, but residents continue to obtain this experience at varying times during their training period. 
(d) The resident will be provided with progressively increasing responsibility for the total management of neurosurgical patients. Operative experience, ultimately including the major procedures of the specialty, will be provided under appropriate supervision.