Michael Cusimano
Ideally completed in 2 years.
Posts for 1 fellow per year.
St. Michael’s Hospital is a teaching hospital of the University of Toronto located in downtown Toronto. The Division of Neurosurgery is the most active in Canada, performing procedures in cerebrovascular, neurooncology, skull base, pituitary, spinal, peripheral nerve, microvascular, trauma and cranial nerves. Undergraduate and postgraduate students of the University rotate through the service. Research in a variety of areas is undertaken. Research is an essential and major component of each Fellowship.
It is a multi-faceted Fellowship which includes:
If the Masters degree in education is desired, the degree is granted from the University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.All candidates are expected to become involved in public health research, and by the end of the Fellowship, will be equipped to become leaders in neurosurgical public health.
Fellows should not depend on funding from Canadian sources. Very limited funds may be available for partial support of candidates, but this may require application to funding agencies, so applicants generally must provide proof of his or her own funding for the duration of the Fellowship.If one wishes to obtain a Masters degree, application must also be made to the Institute of Medical Sciences for entry into coursework.
Application materials for this component of the Fellowship should be obtained from: http://www.ims.utoronto.ca/prospective/admissions.htm
Michael Cusimano, MD, MHPE, FRCS, DABNS, PhD, FACS
St. Michael's Hospital
Division of Neurosurgery
30 Bond Street
Toronto, Ontario M5B 1W8
Inquiries: mountain@smh.ca
Please submit the following by email to the Fellowship Contact: