Fellowship in Neurooncology
Division of Neurosurgery, University of Toronto
Toronto Western Hospital
Mark Bernstein, Fred Gentili, Paul Kongkham, Gelareh Zadeh
Term of Appointment
1 year
Positions Available
Funded posts for 2 fellows per year.
Our neurooncology fellowships are combined with exposures to three neurosurgical staff at the Toronto Western Hospital: Drs. Bernstein, Gentili, Kongkham and Zadeh.We have overlapping, but also distinct clinical and research interests:
Dr. Bernstein - Awake craniotomy, outpatient brain tumour surgery
Dr. Gentili - Skull base surgery, open and endoscopic approaches, and pituitary surgery
Dr. Kongkham - Intra-axial tumors, awake craniotomy, genetics/epigenetics of brain tumors
Dr. Zadeh - Endoscopic approaches to skull base tumors.
Educational Objectives
Research projects, writing, etc. are highly encouraged under our guidance.
Clinical Duties
Aside from our in- and outpatients, responsibilities will also include in-house calls (approx: 2-3 days/mth) and working with resident staff, plus other neurooncology and other sub-speciality fellows.
As per our divisional policy, you will be paid an annual stipend of $55,925.76 CDN for the year commencing July 1-June 30 of the following year. During this time you will be entitled to two weeks of paid holidays every six months and one week of paid conference leave. You will have access to $1,500 CDN towards attending a conference during the fellowship year, to present a body of academic work stemming from your fellowship. Any planned holiday/conference time must be communicated to your supervisor well in advance of the date.
Contact Information
For additional information and to send your application as above, please contact:
Telephone: 416-603-5428
Fax: 416-603-5298
Mark Bernstein, MD, MHSc, FRCSC
Fred Gentili, MD, MSc, FRCSC
Paul Kongkham, MD, PhD, FRCSC
Gelareh Zadeh, MD, PhD, FRCSC
Toronto Western Hospital
Division of Neurosurgery
399 Bathurst Street, West Wing 4th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5T 2S8
Application Procedure
Please submit the following by email to the Fellowship Contact:
- CV
- Brief synopsis of career goals
- Letters of reference (3) from current and/or past mentors
- TOEFL or another test demonstrating competence in English
In addition to the two funded slots we often, but not always, are able to accommodate one or two additional Fellows. The process of hiring additional Fellows is increased if the applicant can acquire self-funding, which must not include one's own personal funds. The Fellowship is highly competitive and any opportunity to meet one of us at a meeting, etc., is highly encouraged. To apply for the July 1st slot for the following year (the decision for which is made around late May of the current year), please send required documents by e-mail ASAP by April 1, 2016.