Peter Chu

Peter completed medical school and residency in general surgery at the University of Toronto. He is a graduate of the Surgical Scientist Program having completed a Masters of Science studying the immune response to sepsis under the supervision of Drs. John Marshall and Ori Rotstein. Following residency, he completed fellowships in “old fashion general surgery” at the Toronto East General Hospital, in plastic surgery at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, and in trauma, also at Sunnybrook.
Peter is an attending staff trauma surgeon at the Tory Regional Trauma Unit, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. He is an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto. In addition, he and his family volunteer at Galmi Hospital, a missionary hospital in the country of Niger in West Africa.
His major clinical and research interest is cottage life on the Bruce Peninsula. He recently established a research station where he and his team can undertake longitudinal studies on this topic. Peter is married to Dr. Hyon Kim who is a palliative care physician at Sunnybrook. They have two children who actively participate in Peter’s research endeavours.