Judi Laprade

Dr. Laprade received her degree in Physical Education at the University of Western Ontario and then went on to complete her Physical Therapy degree, MSc and PhD in the Department of Anatomy at Queen’s University. She has previously taught Anatomy and Physical Therapy courses at Queen’s University and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Currently, she is the Anatomy Course Director for the Kinesiology & Physical Education, Dentistry and Physical Therapy programs. Dr. Laprade also teaches an exciting anatomy elective, ANA411Y: Anatomy in Application: Exercise & Biomechanics in the winter terms through the Arts & Science Department.
Institute of Medical Science (IMS) - Graduate Faculty Member
Honours, Awards & Accomplishments:
Certificate in Effective University Instruction (2022-23)
Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) Course in Effective Teaching Practices (ETP) offered through the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI) at University of Toronto.
Dean's Merit Award, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto (2021)
At the discretion of the Dean of Medicine, this internal award is bestowed upon a selected few faculty who demonstrate excellence in research, academic achievement or service within the Faculty of Medicine.
School of Rehabilitation Therapy Distinguished Alumni Award (2019)
This award recognizes one graduate annually from each of the Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation Science, and Aging and Health programs who have made exceptional contributions to their chosen profession, field or community.
University of Toronto Community of Champions [Recognition for the FEAT program embedded in the Kinesiology Anatomy Course](2017)
Community of Champions is a campus recognition program for those individuals who use strategies and approaches that support all students, especially those who experience marginalization and underrepresentation at U of T.
Department of Physical Therapy Recognition Award (2016)
Presented to the Anatomy Teaching team for excellence in delivering educational sessions.
Outstanding Teaching Award, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2003)
Department of Physical Therapy Rising Star Award, University of Toronto (2000)
Blue Star Teaching Award, Queen's University (1998)
Grant's Funded:
J. Laprade (PI), K. Lisk
Anatomical Online Mapping-Exploration-Extrapolation (Anat-O-MEE): A student centered, guided anatomical learning toolkit for undergraduates.
LEAF Grant, University of Toronto. (2022-2025)
Giangregorio L. Co-applicants: Brien S, Funnell L, Bulycz C, Keller H, Papaioannou A, Morin S, Gibbs J, Wideman T, Weston Z, Thain J, Beaupre L, Thabane L, Ashe MC, Laprade J, McArthur C, Jain, R.
Virtual Intervention for Vertebral frACture (VIVA): Feasibility of implementation in a multicentre trial.
MSK Rehab Research Network: Collaborative Catalyst Grant. (2022-23)
J. Laprade (PI), M. Corrin
Creating a digital library of 3D scanned human anatomical specimens from Grant’s Museum for allied health science education.
Ontario Virtual Learning Strategy through E-Campus Ontario. (2021-22)
J. Laprade (PI), M. Corrin, J. Jenkinson, D. Ng, S. Wall
Kinundrum: A problem-based learning web application for undergraduate kinesiology education.
Instructional Technology Innovation Fund. (2018)
ANA124H: Kinesiology Human Anatomy I: Organ Systems
This course is the first half of the human cadaveric anatomy experience for students in the KPE program. Students will explore gross anatomy of the thoracic, abdominal, pelvic and nervous systems with focus on the structure, function, innervation and blood supply. Students will be introduced to implications of function and dysfunction or disease within these systems. Students will learn through theory and practice including in-class lectures, asynchronous learning modules and digital resources, active learning tasks and hands-on practice in the anatomy laboratory.
ANA125H: Kinesiology Human Anatomy II: Musculoskeletal Anatomy
This course is the second half of the human cadaveric anatomy experience for students in the KPE program. Students will explore musculoskeletal anatomy, including in depth investigation of the upper and lower limb bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, blood and nerve supply. Functional application of musculoskeletal anatomy with respect to movement will be introduced with real-life examples of exercise, injury and disease. Students will learn through theory and practice including in-class lectures, asynchronous learning modules and digital resources, active learning tasks and hands-on practice in the anatomy laboratory.
DEN106Y Anatomy for Dentistry
Gross anatomy of the entire body is covered in this course, with emphasis on the head and neck. Laboratories provide the opportunity to dissect human specimens.
PHT1001/1002/1003 Gross Anatomy for Physical Therapy (Unit 1 & 2: Introduction & Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy and Unit 3: Cardiorespiratory and Exercise Physical Therapy)
The gross anatomy component of units 1, 2 and 3 consist of lectures, laboratories and tutorials covering the anatomy of the human body. Emphasis is placed on the thorax, limbs and back. Laboratory/tutorial work consists of dissection of the human body and study of the appropriate osteology, radiology and surface anatomy.
ANA411Y Anatomy in Application: Exercise & Biomechanics
This course will cover musculoskeletal anatomy (both upper and lower limbs) topics with an emphasis on applying biomechanical principles and research evidence to explain or clarify exercise principles and challenge common exercise practices and myths.